The “Simplified Rites” have been produced to assist presiders and Catechumenate Teams….
Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation – Simplified The Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy of the year. It is the prime time for baptism. The Baptism occurs after the homily and this is followed by the conferring of Confirmation. Before the “Lamb of God” the newly baptized may be reminded of the pre-eminence of the…
Preparation Rites on Holy Saturday – Simplified These rites are only for the unbaptized as they are a prelude to Baptism and set the tone for the day. They may be celebrated sometime on Saturday before the Vigil, preferably within the context of a time for reflection and prayer, and ideally, are presided over by…
This rite applies when unbaptized adults are asking for the sacraments. The intentions of the enquirer are formally heard and accepted by the community. The rite is best incorporated into the Sunday Eucharist, however it may be celebrated during a Liturgy of the Word with a “group of the faithful”. The ceremony may be celebrated more…
This rite is for Christians who have been baptised in another denomination whose baptism is recognised by the Catholic Church….
During the season of Lent, the Church offers two presentations to the elect: the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. These are very ancient pre-baptismal rituals. There is no physical presentation of either the Creed or the Lord’s prayer. They are passed from mouth to ear, heart to heart….
The Scrutinies – Simplified The Scrutinies are for self-searching and repentance. They are for the unbaptized only.They are celebrated on the third, fourth & fifth Sundays of Lent. The gospel readings used are those for year A: the Samaritan woman, the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus. If for some extraordinary reason, baptism…
These rites are only for the unbaptised as they are a prelude to Baptism and set the tone for the day….
This rite is the second step in Christian Initiation and opens a period of intense preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation. The Rite of Election or Enrolment of Names is normally celebrated on the 1st Sunday of Lent. It is the turning point from the time of formation into the time of intense spiritual preparation for…