May 26, 2024
The Brisbane Archdiocesan Catechumenate Committee (ACC) are hosting an RCIA Formation Day. Clergy, RCIA teams, and interested parishioners are warmly invited to attend. The event will be held on Sunday May 26th, 1-4pm, in the Hanly Room at St Stephen’s Cathedral and live streamed.
Our hope is to equip everyone in this ministry with tools to enrich the RCIA experience in your local parish/community. Be equipped to walk alongside others during the RCIA process.
The RCIA Formation Day will be a time of input, discussion, and an opportunity to network with others.
The day will be facilitated by Colleen Tracy (Chair- Archdiocesan Catechumenate Committee), with Fr Tom Elich (Liturgy Brisbane), Lisa McKerr (Evangelisation Brisbane) providing input for the day, and Dr. Clare Schwantes (Director- Liturgy Brisbane).
To register:
For any other information, please contact Lisa McKerr on 3324 3440 or at