By Kathy Horan – RCIA Coordinator & Liturgy Educator, Archdiocese of Adelaide
When we celebrate the feast of Christ the King at the end of November, we know that this signifies the end of the current liturgical year and signals that the season of Advent is almost upon us. Advent is a time and space that calls us to prepare our hearts and minds for the celebration of the coming of the Lord as the Christ-child, some 2000 years ago, and the continued waiting for the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time. This is a season of anticipation, hope and expectation that God’s promises will be fulfilled, and that Jesus’ mission of announcing the Reign of God in our midst will yield its fruit in us as missionary disciples of Jesus.
At the heart of Jesus’ mission is his intimate relationship with God. Jesus came among humankind as a vulnerable, dependent infant, human like us. As Jesus grew and developed within his family and religious community, he grew in understanding of his mission to the world, to be the human face of God and to show us what God is like.
Image: Kenny Eliason, Unsplash License.
The God of Jesus Christ is for us a God of tenderness and compassion, of mercy and love, of healing and forgiveness – a far cry from images and experiences of ruling lords and despots of the time. For Jesus, God is a God who desires to be in close relationship with us, who seeks us out when we are lost, who restores us when we feel abandoned, and who proposes a way of life that promotes the dignity and well-being of all, especially the marginalised, most vulnerable and alienated.
Fellowship, hospitality and living in peace and harmony are hallmarks of the Reign of God into which we have been invited. Jesus taught that the Reign of God is open to all who will believe, and being part of God’s Reign will require a willingness to become involved, to be of service, and to become evangelisers of the good news of Jesus and the Reign of God. On a daily basis, as baptised members of the Church, all of us are called to deepen our relationship with the Lord and to share the great good news we have received with others. At this time, in particular, we are welcoming inquirers into our parish communities. They wish to know about Jesus and to come to a deep personal relationship with Jesus. Our role is to be hospitable and welcoming, and ready to share our faith with those who wish to ‘come and see.’
Throughout the season of Advent, many spiritual gems will be offered to us for our reflection and preparation as we look forward to celebrating Christmas. These same messages and inspirations were heard by Jesus as he grew in knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the God who comes close: ‘Stay awake!’, ‘Come, Lord Jesus,’ ‘Walk in the light of the Lord!,’ ‘Rejoice in the Lord always,’ ‘You, Lord, are close, and all your ways are truth.’
The wisdom and hope expressed in these mantras from Scripture can lead us in the way of renewal of our faith, our commitment to the Lord and service to the community and the world during this time of preparation.
As we prepare ourselves and our communities to get ready for the celebration of the Christ-child at Christmas, may we be mindful of journeying with others who wish to become part of our Church. May we continue to love and serve our God with joyful and generous hearts, and may we all find the peace that only a God of tenderness and mercy can provide. In a world weary of illness, covid, war, destruction and many forms of violence, we pray that we will find traces of the Reign of God in our midst and be of one mind and heart as we celebrate with joy the festive season.